Sunday, June 22, 2008


The word itself says a lot of things that one can only think of and imagine the utopic world of his dreams. Pleasure in doing things for the sake of enjoying it to the maximum extent possible and not showing bestial sign of prosaic mortals who would do anything for achievement. Achievement is what everyone desires rather than enjoying the process. The result counts, often, but the beauty of the process of achieving that goal can make things anything but mundane. There are plenty of distractions in the form of bottlenecks or the people around who are result oriented. All they are, is a convenient excuse for those people who just find the idea cool to propagandize in order to achieve some other thing and hence they too are result oriented. This is not asking you to NOT be result oriented, rather, strengthening your path towards the result by making the process more compact and the result a mere consequence of the hard work and compact process control. Digressing for a moment here, when will I get over the ethereal music of Pink Floyd and getting over all those judiciously selected notes of David Gilmour. The simplicity again of the music of the greatest band ever is again the case at hand. The sincere devotion with which they made their music deserves nothing less than a silent moment of thought in your ever so precious life where you apparently dont find time to do mundane things like listening to music because you are so absorbed in other aspects which demand more attention that taking a break to listen to one beautiful solo of high hopes or maybe the fundamentally kicking chord selection of dogs or maybe even the riff of vague time sequence, 7/8 to be precise, of money. Attention to such simple details can make life far more simpler. Glad that I was unconsciously concentrating on the right aspects. Coming back, I support the argument of thales here when he said, everything is water, he raised the most beautiful and most fundamental aspect of simplicity here. Looking at the argument objectively, we can definitely raise questions but that part is only left to those who are still finding answers for the objectivity associated things. Not condescending, just a passing phase. Phidias said something similar to god watching his sculptures when asked why was the back as ornamented as the front. These are results of dedication and simplicity. Overindulging and thinking about others and making others a point of discussion which would otherwise result in brilliant observation would lead to nothing but a feeling of pride which is fake and it is known to the pride holder. It can easily seen from the fact that great people discuss ideas but common people discuss people. They cant rise above the level at which they are trying hard to stick. Again not condescending, but a passing phase where they'll find answers and question the very fact and futility in discussing people. Heretic as I am called sometimes because of such words. Idiosyncratic too sometimes. Weird as I might seem, I can clearly call the counterpart lucky because he/she was a part of a conversation which was started by him/her and it went way beyond his levels of answering his/her own mind and the questions it has on offer. Religion, the topic where it mostly comes down to, is nothing but a propagated idea which invokes fear in the minds, for it seeks not solace, but shelter in its presence. Spirituality on the other hands leads to solace of the mind and one can seek shelter also in the joyous state that is offer.
More later...time for another simple form of joy, food :)